Markets slipped from its day high in the late morning session as RBI's (Reserve Bank of India) in its policy review unexpectedly hiked the repo rate to check inflation. The S&P BSE Sensex closed lower by 382.93 points or 1.85% at 20,263.71, after touching a high of 20,677.99 and a low of 20,051.43. The CNX Nifty also closed lower by 103.45 points or 1.69% at 6,012.10. It touched a high of 6,130.95 and a low of 5,932.85 in the intra-day today.
Among the sectoral indices Realty index crashed by 6.53% followed by Bankex and Capital Goods declining by 4.18% and 3.04%, Auto, PSU, Metal, Oil & Gas, FMCG and IT were other notable losers while Consumer Durables, Power and Healthcare indices ended marginally higher. In the broader markets, Mid-cap index fell by 0.83% while Small-cap index slipped by 1.01% respectively.
Among index gainers include Gail (India) surging up by 3.51%, Sun Pharmaceutical, Coal India and BHEL gaining by 1.54-1.12% and Wipro advancing by 0.83%. Mahindra & Mahindra, NTPC and Jindal Steel were other notable gainers.
Among index losers were, ICICI Bank and L&T both slipping by 4.78% and 4.63%, followed by Sesa Goa, Hidustan Unilever, HDFC Bank, Hindalco Industries, SBI, Tata Steel, HDFC, ONGC, Tata Motors, Hero Motocorp, Bharti Airtel, Bajaj Auto and Cipla declining between 4-2%. Marut Suzuki, Tata Power, Reliance Industries, Infosys, TCS and Dr Reddys Lab were among the other shares on the losing side.
The Rupee fell to a low of 62.61 in intra-day. The partially convertible Rupee closed at 62.23/24 per dollar as compared to yesterday's close of 61.77/78 per dollar.
The overall market breadth was firm negative with 1,432 shares declining as compared to 897 shares advancing.