Live Currency Charts

Live streaming up-to dated currency price chart.
Track the latest price changes and stay up-to date with the currency pairs like $ US Dollar (USD/INR), € EURO (EUR/INR), £ Great Britain Pound (GBP/INR) and ¥ Japanese Yen (JPY/INR) with ₹ Indian Rupee.

To change the default USD/INR chart to any other currency pair chart, click on Symbol Search button located on top left of the chart. And select the currency pair you want to view.

Forex market heatmap a snapshot of currency market for the most traded currency pairs. It allows you to identify the strong and weak currencies and observe their comparison among each other in real-time.

Heatmap is a graphical representation of the relative strengths of major currencies relative to other currencies market price trend. It allows to scan the cross rates quickly gains or losses each pair has made.

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