Markets ended the day on a lower note as investors opted to book profits after recent rally with Metal, Bankex and Auto sector leading the fall amid weakness in the Rupee against the dollar. The S&P BSE Sensex closed down by 215.57 points or 1.08% at 19,781.88, after it touched a high of 20,052.05 and a low of 19,676.49 in the intra-day. The CNX Nifty ended down by 62.45 points or 1.06% at 5,850.70, after it touched a high of 5,932 and a low of 5,815.80 in the intra-day.
Among the sectoral indices, Metal index fell by 2.53% followed by Bankex, Consumer Durables, Auto, Gas & Oil, PSU, Capital Goods and IT indices decling between 2-1%. Healthcare and Power were other indices that declined while Realty and FMCG were the only indices closing positive up by 0.54% and 0.32%. In the broader market Mid-cap ended flat 0.04% and Small-cap gained up by 0.25%.
Among the index gainers were, Tata Power surging up by 2.75%, ITC and Gail India advanced up by 1.91% and 1.60%. Gail (India), NTPC, Cipla and HDFC were other gainers on the list.
Among the index losers were, Tata Steel fell by 4.13%, BHEL, Hero MotoCorp, ONGC, Maruti Suzuki, Sesa Goa, Coal India, Hindalco Inds, Hindustan Unilever and Tata Motors slipping between 3-2%, Bharti Airtel, ICICI Bank, SBI, Infosys, HDFC Bank, M&M, Reliance, TCS, Sun Pharma, Jindal Steel, Bajaj Auto, Wipro, L&T and Dr Reddys Lab were other notable decliners on the list.
The overall market breadth was minimal negative with 1,199 shares declining as compared to 1,161 shares advancing.