Markets extending its gain for the second consecutive day, after the new RBI (Reserve Bank of India) governor's maiden speech and measures triggered the hopes of shoring up an poor economy and currency. The S&P BSE Sensex closed up by 412.21 points or 2.22% to 18,979.76 after touching a high of 19,117.52 and a low of 18,847.02 intra-day today. The CNX Nifty also surged up by 144.85 points or 2.66% to 5,592.95 after touching a high of 5,625.75 and a low of 5,552.70 intra-day today.
Among sectoral indices, Bankex index spurted up by 8.24%, Realty index surged up by 5.41%, Capital Goods and FNCG index gained by 3.48% and 2.28%. PSU, Consumer Durables, Power and Oil & Gas were other notable sectorial index gainers. Howerver, IT index fell by 2.95 and Healthcare index slipped marginally by 0.22%. From the broader markets, both the Mid-cap and Small-cap indices closed in line with benchmark index up by 1.69% and 1.52% respectively.
Among major index gainers were, SBI and ICICI Bank spurted up by 9.74% ans 9.20%, followed by BHEL surging up by 8.20%, HDFC Bank and Coal India gaining up by 7.53% and 7.02%, HDFC, ONGC, L&T and ITC gaining between 6-4%. Hindustan Unilever, Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki, Reliance Industries, Hero MotoCorp, Bajaj Auto, Dr. Reddys Lab, Jindal Steel and NTPC were some of the other notable gainers.
Among major index losers were, Sesa Goa fell by 4.26%, TCS and Infosys slipped by 3.37% and 3.32%, Wipro down by 2.74%. Gail (India), Hindalco Industries, Tata Steel, Mahindra & Mahindra, Sun Pharmaceuticals, Tata Power, Cipla and Bharti Airtel were some of the losers.
The overall market breadth was firm positive with 1,487 stocks advanced while 849 stocks declined.