Markets closed higher on a positive note, amid volatile trading session, after RBI (Reserve Bank of India) announced more measures to support the local currency. The S&P BSE Sensex gained today by 157.64 points or 0.84% to 18,946.98. It had touched intraday high of 19,066.97. The CNX Nifty index rose up by 46.75 points or 0.84% to 5,612.40.
Among sectorally indices, Metal index gained the list up by 4.52%, followed by FMCG up by 2.30%, Healthcare gained up by 2% and Capital Goods index rose up by 1.95%. Consumer Durables and Auto indices were other gainers on the board, while Bankex and Oil & Gas indices declined. The broader market closed firm with Mid-cap and Small-cap index gaining by 1.50%.
Among index gainers were, Sun Pharma gaining up by 6.60%, Tata Steel and Jindal Steel rose up by 8.3% and 9.4% respectively, Hero MotoCorp gained up by 3% while HDFC gained up by 3.2%. ITC, Infosys, Sterlite Industries, Hindustan Unilever and Bajaj Auto were among the other gainers.
Among index losers were, SBI declining 3.4%, TCS dropped 1.2%, Tata Power fell 3.2% while Reliance Industries dropped over 2%.
Indian Rupee pared off its intra-day gains after the Finance Minister failed to provide details of measures to protect rupee. The Rupee closed at 61.2750/2850 a dollar from Friday's close of 60.88 at the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market.
State Bank of India (SBI) slipped by 3.70% after the bank reported a drop in net profit by 13.60% to Rs 3,241 crore for the quarter ended on June 2013. Its gross non-performing assets (NPA) ratio rose to 5.56% from 4.75% in the preceding quarter and 4.99% in the year-ago period.
The overall market breadth was positive with 1,366 stocks advanced as compared to 763 stocks declined.