Maharashtra government might opt to scrap Local Body Tax

To compensate the loss in state exchequer, Maharashtra government may consider an increase in Value Added Tax (VAT). It is noteworthy that Local Body Tax was imposed on the state traders in a phased manner starting 2010. The tax that began with tier-III cities was imposed by scraping octroi. Last year the Local Body Tax was imposed on tier-II and tier-I cities as well, except the State Capital.
This tax has triggered protest from the traders in the state, who pinned that the new tax could be an addition to the harassment by the officials. Traders also thought that with VAT being under implementation, Local Body Tax was an additional burden.
Keeping in mind the upcoming assembly elections, the government has proposed scraPping of Local Body Tax, is likely to be formulated said the sources. As they say, elections change it all.
Tags – Local Body Tax, VAT hike LBT, Maharashtra hike vat lbt
Maharashtra government may scrap Local Body Tax